вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

birch bore

god, i miss him so much
i cried myself to sleep yesterday ;/
i only got to talk to him for like, 15 minutes or something.
But the good news is that even my dad is gonna try and help them move down here.
they said the fastest they might be able to move here is December.
Which would be AWESOME�
I think its very critical they move here...
ONE because Iapos;m going crazy without him.
TWO because it gives them a fresh start.
THREE because heapos;ll have more support here and maybe wont get i ntrouble as much.

I love him so much, i Really really do.
I hate how everyone just says "its puppy love" blah blah blah.
but thats not true, i truely love him.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bird exploration fund

Iapos;m awesomely proud of myself� :D
i didnapos;t blog for a day�HAHAHAA
went for service today .
and service was seriously 100000x great :D
good thing i woke up in time today :)
and my parents ainapos;t at home
after that i went to paya lebar for icekachang again,
and than went to my auntapos;s house.
stupid person,
however he build the buildings.
blk 100+�is just opposite block 170+
itapos;s such a big difference and as if thereapos;s no sequence at all.
so i thought i was at the wrong area.
but still i found my way.
at least i didnapos;t stand there and cry :D
so well, bath-ed at my auntapos;s house as usual.
and now iapos;m going to have my dinner�
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du ko puzzle su

So Iapos;m turning 21 soonish. Yay for me Iapos;ve distributed some invitations at uni. Went to my old work today to give some invitations. I�gave out about 14. It was good to see everyone again. Apparently Iapos;ve lost weight, which I�found out last week when I�put on some old pants and they almost fell off. I�havenapos;t really noticed it, but I�weighed myself a few nights ago and it is about 6-8 kgs. For everyone at work it was an obvious change and I�got lots of attention about it. Itapos;s always nice though to walk into a place and get showered with compliments. I�had a good laugh with my old boss, and luckily my old buddy Casey was in. Unfortunately we couldnapos;t stick to�the old routine and have lunch together since the Cafe was packed and her help was needed. Nothing much had changed. Everyone had picked up the slack�for�picking on�Casey since I�stoped working there. I�started the facebook group and invited a total of 43 people. I�am not sure how many people will come. My mumapos;s going to stalk me around the house asking for�the exact amount of people attending. Something�I canapos;t answer. Oh well; Iapos;ll just avoid her until the 22nd of November.
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I have a headache and I cannot think of what to write about soo Iapos;m just going to take a moment to vent about this dude that sat behind me at the GA game today. This kid was about my height but I had a few pounds on him...he was scrawny. Well, Mr. High and Mighty could not shut his trap He criticized everyone from the water boy to Mike Bobo. And when he wasnapos;t criticizing he was educating everyone in the vicinity about what the Dawgs needed to do. And if he wasnapos;t sharing his coaching brilliance, he was trying to replace Larry Munson..."10:00 min. Left to go in the 4th quarter." Well no shit Sherlock, we can all see scoreboard too. After over 3 hours I had reached my limit. I wanted to turn around and point out to him that the 300 section is quite high up and accidents have been known to happen...Jannette talked me out of it. Seriously people, take note and donapos;t behave this way...you have been warned

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

free giving birth movie

Restructered the board a little.� iapos;ve been playing alone a lot more.� havenapos;t been practicing with fought.� keep forgetting to call b, but i like practicing at odd hours and on friday nights.

so i got the zvex lo fi loop junky.� itapos;s currently on the board.� itapos;s super nice and warbly.� like i said before, fuck clean pristine loops.� even with the warble and miscellaneous apos;featuresapos; of the looper, i got some pretty tight nice sounding loops. �

also iapos;ve been using the greco 3 pickup les paul custom more and more.� i still love the bean, itapos;s just nice to use and tool around with something else.

so now it goes :
sherman filterbank in a barge concepts true bypass loop/blender ->
sonic research turbo tuner ->
lightfoot labs goatkeeper ->
clinch fx ep-pre ->
moog mf-104 ->
moog mf-104z ->
zvex lofi loop junky

it was stupid, but i had the goatkeeper off the board for a second.� itapos;s great.� and it also sounds rad in the effects loop of the moog delay so iapos;m just debating how to deal with it.�

iapos;m gonna have the morley blender and an mpc coming so the schumann may go into the other barge concept blender/looper or the morley blender.� mmm broken tracking on filters with foot swells.

iapos;m still breaking in the mp-201.� i just want to play now more than program.� once the mpc comes i will have to revert to programming mode.�� get a set together, and play some basement shows.� itapos;ll be all about basement shows in about 6 months when all the venues go out of business.�
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excel vb

I finished the last book of Potter. Phew, tedious reading.�I love the ending but too many good people are sacrificed. I loved the part how Harry named his two sons and daughter. James, Lily after his parents and Albus Severus, after the two headmasters in Hogwarts.
...All was well.

Btw, I went to a saloon and to cut my hair. Well, speechless. Too lazy to complain here, and I donapos;t want to remember.

I will miss boy boy. :p
excel vb.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Nonniin, vihdoinkin p�ivittelem�n�

Olen ollut � tiistaista asti lappeenrannassa ja kaikkea on tapahtunut.
Keskiviikkona n�in tunnin verran Jasminaa, olo j�i v�h�n h�mmentyneeksi.
Olinko liian ahdistava, tunkeileva? Mille mielelle mahtoi neiti j�d�.
Sen j�lkeen n�in Sonjaa ja meno oli kenties hieman hysteerist�.�Oli kuitenkin himo kivaa ja kerrankin tuli sellainen olo, ett� mun seurassa viihdyttiin.
Mielell�ni olisin l�htenyt sun kans shoppaileen t�n�� mut siskon syntt�rit :<

Eilen oltiin mummolassa haravoimassa ja meit� ylisy�tettiin Heidin kanssa. Saatiin kuitenkin 20 euro; ja k�ytiin ostamassa niinan kakkuun sieni�.
K�ytiin kotona ja l�hdettiin tiloille, siell� oli joku idiootti nimelt� Eppu.
Herra oli kovasti sit� mielt� ett� me menn�n paneen yms.. Tein kuitenkin eritt�in selv�ksi, ett� me ei menn�.
Porukka tarjos tupakkaa ja siideri� mun siskokin joi vaikka oltiin mopol liikentees.
Hups hups.

T�n�n tosiaan rakkaan pikkusiskon 13 v syntt�rit.
Huomenna kotiin suostuttelee �iti� nen�koruun.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

fibromyalgia quiz


so i was watching chelsea lately and she had leanne womack on her show and they talked about this song called "20 years and 2 husbands ago". So i was like oh cool name and she talked about it and i was like omg... 21 years of my life have passed, and so much has happened, SO MUCH lol just everything. In 20 years from now iapos;ll be 41 omg what will my life be like. I want to write about the first 20 years, but not now bc it just ended i have to be able to reflect a little bit. Well maybe i could do a little now lol little later on in life, as life goes on, idk?

crazy. Times goes quick? maybe?

i think the older u get the quicker it goes, iapos;ve actually heard that.


and i still need to give a real update
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YAY�The cutest invitations EVER are being sent out tomorrow morning They are all done and envelopes are stuffed, and they are READY�My mom and sister in law did a GREAT job I thank them immensely. I am very excited about it.

Im going to be able to wrap my arms around Danny in what looks like about 10 days. Hopefully a day or two sooner Im scheduled to work the 25th and 26th, but am trying to take care of that. I have James my coworker talking to his girlfriend to make sure they didnt have any plans. If they didnt he is going to take those shifts for me�He is the one who saved me the last time and made it possible for me to stay longer in 29 palms Bless his heart�<3. He says there is rumor of a 96 hour leave when they get back, and that it could start the day after they get back. That would be nice�Im hoping he gets here by the 24th that way I have a guaranteed couple of days. He is really hoping to go to his sisters wedding on the 1st... I hope he can too I�JUST�CANT�WAIT�

Ive had a few contractions today. Lovely�:) I keep getting comments on how she looks lower. I agree Today I had about 4 of my regulars go�"Oh, your pregnant?". Haha Took ya long enough to notice�The apron hides the belly well though I must say :).

Im a complete dork and always make myself "to do lists". The one Ive got going right now is rather large... Hooray. If I dont write them down, I will either put them off, or simply forget until last minute or until its too late. Ive been trying for a few years to be more organized and if anything or anyone has helped, its Faith.

I just got 3 out of my 5 books in today
#1. The New moms Manual - over 800 tips and advice from hundreds of moms for babyapos;s first year. (Mary Jeanne Menna)
#2. The Nursign Mothers Problem Solver (Claire Martin)
#3. The New Father, A dads guide to the first year. (Armin A. Brott) --For Danny :) He liked the last daddy book I bought him, learned alot, taught me a few things, and likes the author because he was a marine. This book is by the same author, so Im sure heapos;ll like it.

Enough, Im tired, and hungry, and uncomfortable, and.....The list goes on, but mostly Im just HAPPY�

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