понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

decent ii

So itapos;s getting on to a month since I last posted, and sometimes I wonder if itapos;s even worth it.

On the one hand, Iapos;ve had this LiveJournal since the beginning of sophomore year of high school. Thereapos;s so much change and growth and fall and comeback in it, I canapos;t just give it up. Even though I always posted more frequently since getting to college (likely because of time), I was still THERE. Plus it enables me to keep in touch with lots of people I probably wouldnapos;t be able to or be willing to put enough effort out to keep in touch with otherwise. I certainly wonapos;t be deleting my journal, I know that for a fact.

On the other hand, what do I have to talk about? I go to work, and I come home. Sometimes I go to rehearsal first, sometimes I go to Jedi first. But I donapos;t do anything special. Hereapos;s my schedule at least through the end of November: Monday therapy work (Iron Fairies or Disney) home. Tuesday work Jedi home. Wednesday work rehearsal home. Thursday work rehearsal/Jedi home. Friday work home. Saturday work/rehearsal home. Sunday work home. I just got my first day off from everything on Sunday since July 28th. Itapos;s highly boring to write about work everyday when nothing really changes. Iapos;m not going to write about therapy in here. And Iapos;m not going to talk much about T in here cause he doesnapos;t like that. I donapos;t go out with people anymore because the kind of things most people like to do make me very uncomfortable.

So what exactly is there left for me to say?

find commercial property for sale, decent ii, decent indecent, decent into.

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